
Makes a request to the AccountService API. The Account API retrieves information for various accounts which have interacted with the protocol. For more details, see the Belugas API documentation.

  • options (object) A JavaScript object of API request parameters.

  • RETURN (object) Returns the HTTP response body or error.

(async function() {
  const account = await Belugas.api.account({
    "addresses": "0xB61C5971d9c0472befceFfbE662555B78284c307",
    "network": "ropsten"

  let usdtBorrowBalance = 0;
  if (Object.isExtensible(account) && account.accounts) {
    account.accounts.forEach((acc) => {
      acc.tokens.forEach((tok) => {
        if (tok.symbol === Belugas.bUSDT) {
          usdtBorrowBalance = +tok.borrow_balance_underlying.value;

  console.log('usdtBorrowBalance', usdtBorrowBalance);

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