Calculating the APY Using Rate Per Block

The Annual Percentage Yield (APY) for supplying or borrowing in each market can be calculated using the value of supplyRatePerBlock (for supply APY) or borrowRatePerBlock (for borrow APY) in this formula:

Rate = bToken.supplyRatePerBlock(); // Integer
Rate = 37893566
ETH Mantissa = 1 * 10 ^ 18 (ETH has 18 decimal places)
Blocks Per Day = 20 * 60 * 24 (based on 20 blocks occurring every minute)
Days Per Year = 365

APY = ((((Rate / ETH Mantissa * Blocks Per Day + 1) ^ Days Per Year - 1)) - 1) * 100

Here is an example of calculating the supply and borrow APY with Web3.js JavaScript:

const ethMantissa = 1e18;
const blocksPerDay = 20 * 60 * 24;
const daysPerYear = 365;

const bToken = new web3.eth.Contract(sEthAbi, sEthAddress);
const supplyRatePerBlock = await bToken.methods.supplyRatePerBlock().call();
const borrowRatePerBlock = await bToken.methods.borrowRatePerBlock().call();
const supplyApy = (((Math.pow((supplyRatePerBlock / ethMantissa * blocksPerDay) + 1, daysPerYear))) - 1) * 100;
const borrowApy = (((Math.pow((borrowRatePerBlock / ethMantissa * blocksPerDay) + 1, daysPerYear))) - 1) * 100;
console.log(`Supply APY for ETH ${supplyApy} %`);
console.log(`Borrow APY for ETH ${borrowApy} %`);

Last updated