Cast Vote By Sig

Submit a vote on a Belugas Governance proposal using an EIP-712 signature.

  • proposalId (string) The ID of the proposal to vote on. This is an auto-incrementing integer in the Governor Bravo contract.

  • support (number) A number value of 0, 1, or 2 for the proposal vote. The numbers correspond to 'in-favor', 'against', and 'abstain` respectively.

  • signature (object) An object that contains the v, r, and, s values of an EIP-712 signature.

  • [options] (CallOptions) Options to set for a transaction and Ethers.js method overrides.

  • RETURN (object) Returns an Ethers.js transaction object of the vote transaction.

const belugas = new Belugas(window.ethereum);

(async function() {
  const castVoteTx = await belugas.castVoteBySig(
      v: '0x1b',
      r: '0x130dbcd2faca07424c033b4479687cc1deeb65f08509e3ab397988cc4c6f2e78',
      s: '0x1debcb8250262f23906b1177161f0c7c9aa3641e6bff5b6f5c88a6bb78d5d8cd'
  console.log('Ethers.js transaction object', castVoteTx);

Last updated